Over 10 million cosmetic surgeries are performed in the United States each year. The surgical procedure accounts for over 60% of the procedure, and 40% is often attributed to nonsurgical procedure. Medical malpractice is unfortunately growing in the United States today. For example, low-cost surgeries continue to grow. The chorus to introduce legislation to control their malpractice also continues to grow. However, despite major legislation, as per Virginia’s legal framework, the burden of proof to prove malpractice often falls on the patient. Hence, if you have suffered malpractice, you will need to prove with evidence that the medical practitioners resulted in harm to you.  Below are a few steps to protect yourself from medical malpractice. 

Risk Analysis 

In order to avoid a major malpractice, you will first need to understand major risks associated with cosmetic surgery. For example, in procedures like butt lifts, a fat transfer procedure, which accounted for mortality rates as high as 1 in 3000. This may seem low in itself, however, this is quite high as compared to 1 in 50,000 for office-based cosmetic procedures. 


It is important to select medical practitioners based on reviews online. Today, you can find hundreds of reviews for every procedure. Here, you will need to watch out for false advertising including before, and after pictures. These are essential to safeguard yourself from potential harm. If you are smitten by false advertising, it would be difficult to prove negligence as these are often misguided impressions of real medical practice. 

Witness Companion 

It is important to take your friends, family members, or even co-workers during potentially suspicious theories. These members can act as your witnesses in cases of potential medical malpractice. If you can schedule their presence during a surgical method, this would definitely be a huge advantage for cosmetic procedures. 

Currently many stringent legislation to protect mishaps during cosmetic surgeries are in place. These include provision of financial compensation, provision to cancel the license of physicians, and other measures are being put in place. It is important for individuals to protect themselves with research, witness, and through analysis of risks before entering into an agreement. 

If you have suffered a medical malpractice during a cosmetic surgery, you can also hire personal injury lawyers in avail financial compensation. The Jackson Law Group PLLC offers protection from medical malpractice in several counties in Virginia state including Wythe County, Pulaski County, Carroll County, and many more. 

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