It has been a bleak couple of years thanks to that pesky pandemic, but things are slowly getting better. Perhaps 2022 will be a year when normality really starts to return and we can forget about lockdowns, travel restrictions, and all the rest.. There is certainly a lot to look forward to in the tech world. We already know of some fantastic new gadgets that will become widely available next year.

We scoured the interweb to check out the latest tech sites and review sites such as and have learned of quite a few new gadgets that will perk your eyes and ears up. Some might seem a little strange, others maybe not needed, but many could offer many of you something that might change your life!

Take a look at these:

Smart Face Masks

The pandemic itself has even spanned some new tech. If you’re tired of wearing those disposable face masks that hurt the top of your ears, then you might want to check out what Razor has designed. It is a smart face mask that has reusable filters you can swap out, RGB lighting, music speakers, and a built-in microphone. Plus, it will make you look like a stormtrooper when wearing it! The smart mask even has an ultraviolet sterilisation system built into it!

A Pc That Also Fries Chicken

That’s right, the guys at Cooler Master have partnered with KFC to create a gaming PC that will also cook fried chicken. It will use the natural heat generated by the PC to cook your food. As for the specs of the computer, these are highly impressive and make this more than a ‘console’. In fact, it is a full-blown gaming PC with the latest specs. Anyhow, while this is something that will actually get made, the KFConsole is not something planned for mass release. It is a gimmick, and we’d expect only a small number of gamers will actually get to cook chicken and winner-winner chicken dinner at the same time!

A Smart Suitcase

Everything is smart these days, and now, so will our suitcases. We all know how annoying and tiresome it is lugging around our own luggage when travelling, but with this technology, you’ll no longer have to. Designed and developed by Travelmate Robotics, the smart suitcase will actually follow you around where you go. Just note, you might need a smart wallet to afford one, as these are planned to go on sale for between $1,00 and $2,000!

Contactless Ringpay Devices

Being able to pay with a smartphone via contactless technology is not enough, it would seem. Having to get your smartphone out of your pocket, and then pointing it towards a sensor is far too much effort. Well, now we can leave our phones in our pockets and just point our fists instead. Thanks to Ring Pay technology, we simply use a ring that we’re wearing to make this highly inconvenient paying technology just a tad more convenient!

What Else To Expect

Well, if you have the budget, you can expect huge folding TVs that will fold away and hide under your floor when you’re not using them. Motion-detecting doorbells is another technology that will suit the current pandemic. Your visitors no longer have to press the doorbell and can simply walk up to it. There is a ton of other stuff on the horizon too. Let’s just hope that 2022 is a better year all around so that we can enjoy this new technology with fewer of life’s current stresses.

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